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A member registered May 04, 2017

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Hello, sorry for the aggressive title. However, after downloading this game, I found something amazing... Unfortunately, I have no other information to link to this........... 

There is a keyboard sequence is this game, press certain keys, get a specific outcome. 

The sequence is {sebastos} which will do one thing after another and on the final letter, pull up a white box with a picture of a moon. However, this box shows a few images, here's the full list.


and then it repeats. The clue here might have something to do with the species of the owl, tree and seagull, and the locations of the islands and city


Hello, New to the feed. (And reviving it) 

I have found something that pertains to his newer games. Specifically A Distressed Look At Another Uncanny Charade Casted By The Secretive Caucus Throng

Starting with #1

1~~ I did the.., "slide puzzle"? and I believe I have put it together properly. The image is attached above ^^^^^

2~~ With this game having a rather long title.. could it be the product of an acronym that means something
This would be DLUCCSCT when cutting out the non-essential linking words, however, It could also be ADLAAUCCBTSCT Which.. I have no meaning for at the moment but I'm sure someone can do something with that info.

3~~ Another post I found suggests that reverse image searching his profile picture, yields a medium profile with a similar profile image. 
Linked to this profile are twitter and facebook profiles.  The medium profile is here  
A google+ file has also been found that has the same name. Link ---->

4~~ Very far down on this post there are some mentions of anagrams that translate into what it seen as insignificant, and rather crude sentences. 

I will have to get back to all of you when I gather information from that post, and how it pertains to T&B considering both translations are lines from that specific game.
